</ faheem's portfolio >

hello, i am

faheem kamel

an aspiring software developer or cybersecurity analyst.

faheem's profile pic
background image


Hello World! I am Faheem Kamel, an undergraduate studying Computer Science at Singapore Management Unversity (SMU). I am also majoring in Cybersecurity!

My coding journey started in Junior College when I took Computing as one of my GCE A-Levels subjects. It was initially a struggle - I failed every exam, test, quiz and even flunked my prelims, which was a month right before the A-Levels exam. I just could not understand the syntax of Python, let alone the logic of implementing OOP (object-oriented programming) or sorting algorithms. However, I took a step back, re-learnt everything from scratch, and dedicated at least three hours daily to coding. I practiced with questions given by my school, questions from past year papers, sourced for external challenges like Project Euler, and sought help from my peers. This dedication led to a 5-grade jump improvement in one month, and now, here I am, pursuing a degree in a field I once struggled (and failed) with.

Apart from Computing, I have an intense love for Mathematics. I have to give credit to my Secondary School Mathematics teacher for instilling such a deep appreciation for Mathematics, which was further nurtured by my Junior College Mathematics teacher. I find Maths beautiful, with its logic and structure that it brings to the world. It is a language of patterns, a tool for understanding the universe. Honestly, I enjoy solving Maths problems, and the thrill of being able to solve one after hours of effort is such an unmatched feeling.

Beyond academics, I am passionate about sports, especially Soccer and Floorball. My favorite team is Manchester United, unfortunately. I originally started out as a Field Hockey player in Secondary School before transitioning to Floorball in Junior College. I have played Floorball for my Junior College, my police division during National Service and (my current) University team. I also play for an external club, Woodlands CSC Skyhawks.

I also love travelling and have visited around 18 countries! I enjoy immersing myself in the cultures of different countries, trying out their local cuisines and experiencing life as they do. There's always something about trying new things, but trying new things in a new place just makes the experience a better one. Alongside my passion for travel, I also have a love for photography, and you can see the world through my eyes in some of the pictures below!


The Next Lap – Part-Time Tutor

The Next Lap – Part-Time Tutor

May 2024 - Present

Friends2Gather Community Service – Mentor

Friends2Gather Community Service – Mentor

Jan 2024 - Dec 2024

Singapore Police Force – National Service

Singapore Police Force – National Service

Apr 2021 - Aug 2023


take a look at some of the projects that i have embarked on.


Tennis Matchmaking and Tournament Management System


An original card game, in Java programming language.

Knightsbridge House

Official website for Knightsbridge House, an educational institute.

Faheem's Portfolio

My own portfolio website.



$ cat frontend.txt

> React.js

> Next.js

> Tailwind CSS

> JavaScript

> TypeScript



$ cat backend.txt

> Node.js

> Express.js

> Spring Boot


$ cat database.txt

> MongoDB


> Firebase

programming languages.sh

$ cat programming languages.txt

> Python

> Java

> C

> ASM (Assembly Code)

speaking language.sh

$ cat speaking language.txt

> English

> Malay

> Korean